(Miami, Florida) July 13, 2015— A.J. Fernandez Cigars, known for producing consistently highly rated and sought after cigars, is proud to unveil "Enclave" at the 2015 IPCPR in New Orleans. Following in the footsteps of the very popular New World cigar, the Enclave blend was a special collaboration between A.J. and his father Ismael Fernandez.
The spirit of the Enclave cigar lies within the special brotherhood, created by those who enjoy a great cigar. In the dictionary, Enclave is defined as: a portion of territory within or surrounded by a larger territory whose inhabitants are culturally or ethnically distinct. Cigar smokers from every ethnic background, race, or creed, bond together daily to escape the everyday, while sharing a handcrafted premium cigar. A.J. Fernandez Cigars celebrates this brotherhood with the Enclave.
A.J. Fernandez said: "There is no doubt that there is a special bond shared among those passionate about cigars. I experience it daily as I have the luxury of sharing my labor of love with my father, Ismael. We invite you to join our "Enclave" with this special cigar that we have patiently crafted to perfection."
The Enclave blend is an elegantly displayed cigar, adorned with a cigar ring which depicts images of Native Indians, a representation of the original tobacco enclave. As with every A.J. Fernandez cigar brand, Enclave is a carefully hand-crafted cigar, which was blended under strict supervision of A.J. Fernandez in their Estelí, Nicaragua based factory.
The Enclave is a medium to full bodied cigar. The rich Habano Rosado wrapper from Ecuador compliments a decadent Cameroon Binder. AJF Select Nicaraguan and AJF Nicaraguan Piloto Cubano Fillers greet the cigar aficionado, with notes of pepper, spice, cedar, and cinnamon. At an MSRP of six dollars, A.J. Fernandez is looking for Enclave to be a first class cigar that can be a daily source of enjoyment.
The Enclave come in a beautifully adorned 20 count box and come in four sizes.
Robusto 5 x 52
Toro 6 x 52
Churchill 7 x 52
Figurado 6 1/2 x 52
For more information on the Enclave and all other AJ Fernandez material please visit the newly design website at www.Ajfernandezcigars.com
A.J. Fernandez Cigars is based on the rich tradition of the Fernandez cigar legacy. A.J. Fernandez now produces unparalleled, hand-rolled cigars in Estelí, Nicaragua which have garnered numerous top ratings and acclaim from cigar publications and consumers alike. Today A.J. Fernandez continues the family tradition as he along with his father Ismael oversee production and manage day to day operations in his factory in Estelí.